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a Knifeplay tour, a new Subsonic Eye album, and a new Del Paxton album walk into a bar and compete for the top spot on our newsletter

(Knifeplay wins because they brought a kn*fe)
((just kidding))






see Knifeplay, see knife tour

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touring to a town near you:

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recently released

Subsonic Eye - All Around You

Subsonic Eye
All Around You

The ten songs that comprise All Around You also comprise a space to sit with the complex feelings inspired by this intense world we inhabit. Rather than succumb to doom, Subsonic Eye relish the opportunity to meditate on these uncomfortable emotions to find their way to the ultimate realization that beauty is all around us.

and it got nice reviews:
"[...] an album of wide-eyed, big-sky indie rock marked by Wahidah’s compelling, expressive vocals and hooks that work well with All Around You’s grandiose ambitions." - Rosy Overdrive

"The breathlessness of “Circle” and “Performative” (the latter a contender for one of the tracks of the year—it’s beautiful) conjures the feel of cars rushing around junctions or streets bustling with people." - Bandcamp Daily

"Across 10 tracks, Subsonic Eye beef up their sound a bit, pushing further toward a sound that splits the difference between, say, Sonic Youth’s propulsive noise and the center of the Snail Mail + Soccer Mommy Downcast Pop-Rock Universe." - Paste Magazine

cassette vinyl digital amazon music apple music google play soundcloud spotify tidal youtube

Del Paxton - Auto Locator

Del Paxton
Auto Locator

Del Paxton’s mix of nostalgic references aims to serve as their primary tool for exploring the contemporary, resulting in a post mortem of the American Empire.

vinyl cassette digital amazon music apple music google play soundcloud spotify tidal youtube


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With an active roster of artists from all around the world, we've got a lot going on as a label! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


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Portland, OR, 97212
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